phil kessel

phil kessel

This is the hottest news coming right now about the phil kessel.Read below to get more info.So Phil Kessel will go to the All-Star game instead of Mikhail Grabovski, which is whack, but at least we have a player representing the Leafs. Being that this is a mediocre team (at best), it's hard to get too worked up about it. Dave Shoalts has a couple of articles today about the shape of the Leafs going into the break. Naturally, it's a bleak picture he paints:
A look around the names on the dressing room stalls in the Leafs practice rink on Wednesday showed there were too many in the same boat as Gustavsson – not living up to expectations.
The list of those who exceeded expectations so far is short, indeed: The line of Mikhail GrabovskiNikolai Kulemin and Clarke MacArthur and defenceman Luke Schenn. That is about it among 24 players.


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